Tuesday, January 16, 2007

this promise

the pregnant womb
holds the future
that is my second life
my purpose
she is my eternity
and with God I celebrate
the love of the happenstance
indifference which is her birth right
this child
in this time
the time of now
that is held in the cradle
of my eternal voice
as a candle shinning in the darkness of evil
this hope
in raptured innocence
speaking with new thoughts
and convictions
this promise
vowed when the earth began
as the spirit moved across the waters
curls numbered and counted
predestined, shaped and moved
this gift of life
as propitiated sacrafice
this love
feeling with the treasure that is our new vision
of honesty, truth
integrity and wisdom
this family
uncleaved from the maternal
grace that patiently
nursed a man-child for so
long consumed with lust
ego and self
my child is God's child
and I love her
with every breath
and waning heartbeat
until the end of my life
and beyond beyond


Anonymous said...

I thought you didn't want a child...

Anonymous said...

You're not married are you? Having unprotected sex are we? In this day and age?......Risky Business!!