Saturday, October 28, 2006

holiday hunger

the wages of war
is world hunger
food banks give away turkey quarters on Rainier Avenue
and all Christmas day corporate celebrants sponsor unfortunate ghetto children
Santa Claus is no Jesus
can I help the needy
I need a hit
I need a beer
I need some love
what I want
may not be
what I need
do I want death
if I need a gun
do I want Christ
if I need to be crucified
do I want a child
if I need sex

because Santa Claus is no Jesus
Rudolph is no disciple
the real Jesus
No not the Easter bunny
the real Jesus
he' s not at the food bank either
Christmas only comes once a year
my daily bread
my daily bread
war causes hunger
man causes war
since greed is of man
greed causes hunger

we worship
men,,,,,dead men
we worship dead men
because to worship
a living God
too much of a reach
too big of a concept
the real Jesus


Anonymous said...

so what are you gonna do about Mr Liberal Fuck? When Urban Tops come for you I bet you'll change your tone!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now that is real reflection. I love it. Tess