Thursday, July 06, 2006

like a dirty rag

her toes are black
like fingers
nubs of hardened crust
blackened with time
and care
a forgotten ghost
to all that
wish not to see
sister, mother
a baby crying
for want
of smoke
that thickens
and swirls
the glass of time
as yellow and red
as fire
in night
to sell
my soul
for hope
and want
of just another


Anonymous said...

are you a friend of Bill's? Here's why I ask that: Your poetic experience seems to intimate.

Anonymous said...

for the love of the creative process...this blog is a collaboration of ideas, thoughts, feelings, muses, ephipanies, wanderings and images....that will be the synthesis of my performance art project for 2006...........let us reason together...oh and thanks to all especially Brian Hartman for helping get this blog going and for excepting me back in his life after all the shit I put him through. Now you have to figure out how to take comments off your blog, and check them quickly as well. LOL hahahahahahahahahahah

Anonymous said...

No, Really its lookin great Roger, I look at alot of blogs and your is pretty cool lookin so far.. lol
